Monday, June 13, 2016

Native Plant Garden: June 18, 2015

From my archives:  Native Plant Garden, New York Botanical Garden
Marcia Strean
June 18, 2015

67 degrees cloudy, drizzly, no tours signs because of an error on the day of the week. So no visitors except a docent and her husband, knowledgeable and interested in all the identifications and stories.

Smashing colors. My pick for today’s most gorgeous: Spigelia marilandica, in masses that made it so striking. 

2015 photo by Joel Nevis y Flores, for public use only with acknowledgement
Spigelia marilandica (Indian Pink) with red lady fern
Newly blooming this week: Poppy Mallow, Goatsbeard Aruncus dioicus, Magnolia Calyculus florida, Milkweed, Inkberry Ilex glabra, Winterberry, Thimbleweed Anemone virginiana, White Beardtongue Penstemon tubiflorus, Elderberry, Stiff Tickseed, Hydrangeas, Wild Quinine, Canada Anemone, Azalea, Flleabane, Barbara’s buttons (pink, by water), Columbine, Wild Bleeding Heart, Iris, Juncus effusus, Plymouth Rose Gentian, Pitcher Plants, last of Golden Alexanders, Black-eyed Susan, Yellow Coneflower, Butterfly Weed, Spiderwort, Cactus, Lance-leaved Coreopsis, Dwarf Beardtongue, Fire Pink Silene virginica, Queen Columbine, Hairy Chickweed, Celandine Poppy, Cohosh, Pickerelweed, Bluestar, Wild Ginger, Narrowleaf Blue- eyed Grass, Phlox

2015 photo by Joel Nevis y Flores, for public use only with acknowledgement
Anemone virginiana (Thimbleweed)
Notice the pods on Shoofly Baptisia alba, the unripe large blueberries, the apples on Mayapple.

Gardener planting more Cardinal Flowers since they did not propagate.

Many chipmunks scampering and rabbits chewing.

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