Monday, October 16, 2017

NPG October 11, 2017

I know, I owe you all the visits from the spring  that I didn't write up--yet.  But in case it is useful to have the latest to look for, last visit first.

A friend, Ethel, accompanied me because she wanted to see the Chihuly exhibit, and I was sneaked in to the night exhibit as a Patron.  Not really dishonest because I carried a contribution with me for Lisa Sifre to distribute.  Since I had the right to designate the area for my donation to be used, you can guess that I chose the Native Plant Garden.  And if you know my opinionated preferences, I requested that true natives, not hybrids or cultivars, be planted or replaced.

At first you really think only Asters, Asters, Asters are the blooms to be seen.  I always take a photo of the approach to the NPG coming up the incline and today the (non-native) Asters are magnificent.  I notice the dark purple ones ('Marina Wolkonsky') have been replaced by these.

Have to remember how to get the photos here, but that may take some time, so am sending this in case it may be useful.
Seen today: the most reliable The whole season: Wild Bleeding Heart; Ironweed Vernonia, Bluewood Asters, White Wood Asters, Alyssum, Franklin tree, Pickerelweed, Ladies Tresses Spiranthes, Goldenrod, a little Golden Alexanders, Great Blue Lobelia, Pitcher Plants, Spigelia marilandica, White Snakeroot, Evening Primrose. Winterberry Ilex verticillata and 'Winter Gold' add color.

It was nice to have another pair of eyes, because I was not the one who noticed the single lovely flower high on the Franklin Tree, or the small amount of Great Blue Lobelia (only coming up with the name having something to do with a sickness, until I am writing now: syphlitica).  I felt excited to see the Spigelia which has to be one of the most beautiful of the blooms in the NPG, and of course the invasive and excessive White Snakeroot which may be considered by some to be a nuisance but has just about the best "story" of any that guests like.

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