Tuesday, June 21, 2016

NPG May 21, 2015

Cloudy and cool, hooray. Mostly gardeners on the tour and they stayed the one hour and forty minute tour. About 40 blooming plants plus pulled out Garlic Mustard and Mugwort. Notice the Celandine Poppy look-alike, Greater Celandine, which is an invasive alien that they should remove.  Looking down close to the raised path (where the Spring Beauty, Jeffersonia, Trout Lily was) you can show people what Poison Ivy looks like.

These are listed (more or less) as you go counterclockwise from the NPG entrance. If it would help to list the “stories” about these plants, let me know if I should include some with the listings.

Wild Bleeding Heart
Wild Geranium
Golden Alexanders
Wild Yellow indigo Baptisia
Wild Blue Indigo
Bowmans Root Gillenia trifoliatus
Fairywand Chamaelirium luteum
Narrow leaf blue-eyed grass  Close to bloom
Shooting Star
False Solomons Seal
Yellow Trillium
Lady Slipper
American Umbrellaleaf 
Trillium (nodding, grandiflora, hybrid double)
Solomon’s Seal
Rue Anemone
Wild Ginger
Trillium sessile (red)
Jacobs Ladder
Cinnamon Fern
Royal Fern
Azaleas (pinkster or marydel’)
Virginia Bluebells
Pitcher Plants yellow and red
Common Rush Juncus effusus 
Wild Quinine
Spiderwort (If you have your magnifying glass, get the visitors to look at the central part of the flower)
Cow Vetch
Prairie Smoke
Red Clover
Dwarf Beardtongue 
Winter King (tree)
Queen Columbine 
Blue Iris

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