Thursday, November 3, 2016


November 3, 2016   note from Marcia Strean

Carol Levine emailed two bits of education, and as usual she is right on!  Relates to the blog written on October 27th, 2016.

Dear Marcia,  I have been having such a good time going through your blog!  so I have two  questions - 1. On the New England Aster shouldn’t the genus be spelled - Symphyotrichum on the posted sign?
2. The latest name for White Snakeroot - Ageratina altissima replacing Eupatorium.

I did not notice the misspelling on the 'Marina Wolkonsky' sign from the last blog.  Of course it is Symphyotrichum.

And I plead ignorance of the change of the Latin name of White Snakeroot.  The old name rolls off my tongue so easily and frequently.  Ageratina altissima   Ageratina altissima   Ageratina altissima   Ageratina altissima  Ageratina altissima.
Would'st that there was an automatic list that we could be on for notifications of such changes.  Dear Sam Dvoskin was the one who first alerted me to the new Latin names of the asters.

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