Monday, May 23, 2016

NPG May 20, 2016

NPG May 20, 2016
Marcia Strean

No signage yet when I got there before 10:00 AM. It was lovely to have relaxed time to list all the blooming plants.

Sunny, pleasant at 10:00, going to 77 degrees, Short-sleeved tour guide shirt appropriate by the 11:00 tour. First time that I can ever remember doing a NPG tour on a Friday. Whether it was the perfect weather, a new show (Impressionists) at the Garden, or the day of the week, but there were 12 on the tour, and, also unusual for me, a second tour at 12:30, with more than 17 on the tour.  Shoulda brought my loudspeaker...

Marcia Strean leading a tour
We did get a follow-up report from James that at this time there is no plan to provide Garden leadership for the school groups coming through, but I found it painful that, literally, hundreds of school kids came walking through with teachers and aides or parents and never heard a word about what they were seeing. Whenever I could, I asked the teacher if I could tell them something, and the teachers were extremely grateful, each time saying they knew nothing. I have an idea: Instead of a docent leading a whole class through the whole NPG, several of us stationed around could explain at their level.

school groups in the Native Plant Garden 
school group in the Native Plant Garden
Plants are listed as you approach the NPG:

Wild Geranium
Golden alexanders
Wild bleeding heart
Gardener John said what I called Fairywand is Camassia.  Live and learn.
Baptisia alba
Baptisia australis
Already there is the dark green fullness of summer.
Turn right onto the Gravel-Lok:
Shooting star
Plume Solomon's seal
Yellow trillium
Yellow lady slipper
Jacob’s ladder
Mayapple apple
White trillium/Bent trillium T. Flexipes
Kalmia latifolia
Tiny bud on inkberry
Ferns to note xmas, mickel, maidenhair, marginal wood fern, ostrich, royal
2016 photo by Joel Nevis y Flores, for public use only with acknowledgement
Osmunda regalis American royal fern
Go up steps:
Curlyhead behind the bench
One lavender four petalled flower by water pipe?
Grass and Sedges flowering
Wild ginger. Soon gone, show while it is there!
Celandine poppy
Shrub with bell-like white flowers    photo
White wild geranium
Dirt path continue past fallen tree
Visitor pointed out the Green'nGold Chrisogonum along the dirt path

Turn back on the Gravel-Lok:
Common Reed Juncus effusus
Pitcher plants
Back on boardwalk:
2016 photo by Joel Nevis y Flores, for public use only with acknowledgement
Osmundastrum cinnamomeum Cinnamon fern

Cinnamon fern
Robin’s fleabane
Rue anemone
Starry Solomon's Seal
Gardener John watering says not fairywand but a bulb camassia
2016 photo by Joel Nevis y Flores, for public use only with acknowledgement
Camassia scilloides Atlantic camas, wild hyacinth
Back to entrance boardwalk
Orontium in third water section
Graves Beach plum

Up Gravel-Lok toward split rock
Another bee in my bonnet: Agitate for paths in meadow

Cornus sericea Red Osier Dogwood
Wild Quinine
Prairie smoke
Beardtongue dwarf hairy "pygmaeus" 
2016 photo by Joel Nevis y Flores, for public use only with acknowledgement
Penstemon hirsutus Beardtongue dwarf hairy "pygmaeus" 
Big buds on coreopsis lanceolata
Little yellow flowers are clover
Fringe tree
2016 photo by Marcia Strean, for public use only with acknowledgement
Fringe tree Chionanthus virginicus
Narrowleaved blue-eyed grass
2016 photo by Joel Nevis y Flores, for public use only with acknowledgement
Narrowleaved blue-eyed grass Sisyrinchium angustifolium
Green hawthorn tree
Iris cristata
Chickweed, hairy
Umbrella Plant
2016 photo by Joel Nevis y Flores, for public use only with acknowledgement
Diphylleia cymosa Umbrella leaf
Yellow Mandarin Prosartes and Bellwort neighbors showing their somewhat similar yellow flowers
Viola walteri

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