Thursday, June 16, 2016

NPG June 16, 2016

Rainy, humid, high 60s.  New way to get to NYBG today because of traffic problems, limited time to check out blooming plants before the tour starts. I am scheduled for another tour next week but not in the future. Many plants from last week finished blooming this week and new ones to challenge us.

New this week along the approach to the entrance is False Sunflower Heliopsis helianthoides. Hope for a photo of the leaves and flower to follow.  They do!

Milkweed Asclepias syriaca and A. purpurascens in full bloom, Harebell Campanula americana and Bush's Poppy Mallow Callirhoe bushii (photo).

The Spigelia marilandica is gorgeous. Remind people to use the Latin name if ordering; Pinkroot won't do it. Picking off the dead blooms will keep the flowers coming.

Along the Boardwalk across from the water, Black Cohosh Actea racemosa and False Goatsbeard Astilbe biternata are blooming, as is Glade Mallow Napaea dioica. They are all written up in my NPG "book." Honey Suckle is plentiful across from much Pickerelweed Pontederia cordata in the water (photo).   

The pink buttons among the Pitcher Plants are Barbara's Buttons Marshallia grandiflora (and not Swamp Pink Helonias bullata  which is slated to come up in the same area). (photo) Also among the Pitcher Plants are both lavender and white Rose Pogonia or Snakemouth Pogonia ophioglossoides. (photo)

 The 5-petaled 1/4" yellow flower on a skinny stem with a few opposite leaves that you would only notice if you looking very closely among the Pitcher Plants is---I dunno.

I am going to ask tonight at my online lesson how you put captions on the photos. We may stump them.

1 comment:

Christacreates said...

Love it specially the false sunflower