Friday, April 27, 2018

Native Plant Garden NYBG  Friday, April 27, 2018

Six days from my last NPG visit, this time to join a tour by curator Michael Hagen, to pick his brain on any plants I couldn't name.  A constant rain falling on the 40 visitors on his tour, with the reward of lunch at the Snuff Mill to keep them going.  Luckily I was able to remember, sometimes after a brain delay (different from a rain delay) all but one of the flowering plants, and it was a good thing because his tour is all about the layout of the plan, the history since 2013 (I go back to 1999 in the "old" npg), and the issues in planning what plants, how the water runs, what weeds come in, why the top of the water feature is taking longer than expected to show less water and more plants.

Curator Michael Hagen
There might not be words without the hands.
From my point of view I am pleased that my mini iPad seemed no worse the wear from being dripped on, and it surprised me that much more seems to be blooming than six days earlier.  We did have both rain and sun the past few days, the plants' desire.
Foamflower among Wild Ginger leaves
New from last week, the Blueberry shrubs that line the walk to the entrance were flowering, Shadbush in bloom (called shadbush because they bloom when the shad are running in the Hudson River), some white (and not-as-native pink) Shooting Stars, Sedges, Columbine, Foamflower, Wild Ginger, Globeflower BLOOMING!!! Some of my favorites and worth excitement.

Also flowering to be pointed out to visitors and hanging in there all week, were Dutchman's 
Breeches, Golden Alexanders, Virginia Bluebells, Wild Bleeding Heart, Spicebush, Trillium, Celandine Poppy, Rue Anemone, Hepatica, Violets, Bloodroot, Bellwort, Spring Beauty, Trout Lily, Jacob's Ladder.

I knew it but can't remember as I write
Pink Rue Anemone

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